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Various selection of pictures from 2006 in Sierra Prep: San Gorgonio. Click on pictures for medium view. Right-click/save to save and/or view different resolutions.

   Mike, Me, Kristi, ALex, Carolina
Vivian Creek Trail, San Gorgonio, CA

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   Kristi, Cristine, Me during a break.
San Gorgonio Wilderness, CA

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   Alex and Caroline on the summit. They make a good pair. Their 2nd outing togeather... hmmm... i wonder if this will lead to anything : )
San Gorgonio peak, CA

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   Me, Kristi, Mike eating dinner.
High Creek Camp, San Gorgonio, CA

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   Waiting for the slackers to show up. Damm they're late...
Vivian Creek Trailhead, San Gorgonio Wilderness, CA

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   The hard dry climb is out of the way, it's much nicer up here.
San Gorgonio Mtn, CA

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   Some more climbing but we have a nice view for a photo op.
San Gorgonio Mtn, CA

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   Me and Alex shooting the shit...
San Gorgonio Mtn, CA

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   Mike filtering water...
High Creek Camp, San Gorgonio Mtn, CA

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   Kristi and me taking a nap. Alex and Carolina went to the top, the rest of us were tuckered out.
High Creek Camp, San Gorgonio Mtn, CA

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   Alex and me sitting around at night... brrr... put all your clothes on!
High Creek Camp, San Gorgonio Mtn, CA

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   My bivy and tent. Someone borrowed my tent... i sure wasn't going to carry it up here!
High Creek Camp, San Gorgonio Mtn, CA

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   Hiking out, it's nice that there's water up here. It's a hard enough climb as is!
San Gorgonio, CA

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   This might have been Mike's first treehugger backpack. Boy, his repub friends and family are going to disown him!
San Gorgonio, CA

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   That's me!
San Gorgonio, CA

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   Carolina Soler
San Gorgonio, CA

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   I'm gesturing at roughly the area where i took that famous spill in Dec 2003. Broke my ankle, sprained my knee, then had to crawl/hike out 4-5 miles.
San Gorgonio, CA

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   Back in the dusty oak lands of the trail...
San Gorgonio, CA

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   The remaining gang. Katy and Christine bailed out.
Vivian Creek Trailhead, San Gorgonio Wilderness, CA

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