Me, Caroline, and random chick taking in a surfboard shot! Cricket/Coors, Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Random, James Palmer, and Lana Urbanski finishing one off... Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | My head decor for the afternoon. This year i used plastic fruit, the real stuff is really heavy (pineapples!) and goes bad quickly (bananas). Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | James and Caroline being all responsible like and setting things up. Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | There's all sorts of free booze to be had at a Jimmy show. It helps to... look a certain way... a look that i couldn't pull off ... Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | We gotta rent us one of these next year! The best tailgating is over at the RV section. Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Randon folks getting shots of Parrot Bay at our tent. Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | I don't know who she is but she like coconuts! Dunno who he is either, but they wanted a picture with me! My good looks (and copious booze) have that affect on people : ) Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Our tent and various folks stopping by for free shots and a look see. Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | More random folks in for a free 'drink'. There is a cost of course... they have to pay for it in the morning... we didn't buy the good stuff to give away! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Hells yeah! Dave made this sign and he was totally sure he'd get on the big screen. And sure enough, guess who the guy w/ the camera is? The big sreen guy! SWEET! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Jen and some other friends of Lana watching drink prep. Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Me, Jody and hubby/Jerry doing shots. I think i'm about to blow it and spill it all.. Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Aerial (arm over head) shot of the RV party scene. Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | James 'stud-man-lifeguard' Palmer man-handling his woman : ) Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Free drinks.... of course nothing in life is truly 'free'. Caroline found that out when she landed on the narrow part! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Back out our crib Lana is filling the shots for Fox News. I found out i don't give terribly good interviews... eek... Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Errr... are you sure you want this recorded? Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Yeah, i had a few shots that night. Caroline, Me, and Rita! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | We might have had a few female participants in our crowd that may have been ogling these fellas... maybe... if they were i bet they wanted to kick this chicks ass! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Time to go in! Veronica and her friend got free tickets from random parrotheads! That's cool, you won't find that at a Snoop show. Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Hello! This is a family show! Ha... she licked the same spot as that other chick... hahaha... Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Yeah Buddy! Where's JIMMY?!?!?! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Noooo ossifer, she didn't have that much to drink, honest! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Woo-hoo! Go Jimmy!!!!!! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | That's what it looked like from where we sat... we need to get closer! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Jimmy on the big screen. Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large | Hey, we all grow old but we dont have to grow up! Chula Vista, CA save file: small medium large |