20 minute to landing i saw this out the window... whoa, way cool!!!! For you non-nerd that's FNAL... Fermi National Accelerator Labratory... home of the tevatron... ai... it's a particle accelerator.. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | After a reasonable train/subway to the city we checked in and shared a room with Kristen/Garrett. Peace out! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Well of course i had to take a picture of this... duh... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Ha... this looks like my boss's boss... the hair and everything... crazy greekian. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Downtown windy city. It's a nice place! I was quite surprised after my visits to New York, i thought i would be a dump. Very pleasantly surprised, nice city folks! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Kristen and her mom.. quite intense looking huh? My in-laws : ) Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Shit... so we(i) sat outside thinking it would nice, quiet, and still have a good view of the rehersal dinner inside... that didn't work out so well, here's Kristen and G-man telling us we should get our butts inside... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Look at that honker! Guess what ethnicity we're talking about? What is she talking about? Snore-city... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | So this italian place had all sorts of stuff written on the wall, virtually everything had something inked on it. So it's my turn, i use my rudimentary rock climbing skills... and promptly get yelled at.. by the owner himself.. shit... but i got my words in. Coming out of the men's room, look to the top of the column at the top rock! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | I was hoping we'd have time to eat at this most famous pizza place but we didn't have time.. no biggie since i'm not a foodie, but it would have been interesting... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The other best man.. WTF is that about? And Kristen in the foreground... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | We went bar hopping and found this trendy place where all the seats/tables were taken... great... so tried to look cool over by a fire escape or something... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Why do people like my boobies? Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The 100% Witmeyer kids: Kristen, Joe, Kathy. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Garret is my HERO! He did what i wasn't allowed to do: fart in the taxi. Windows all rolled up and everything, it was AWESOME!! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Shoot... Kathy and Kristen are still laughing over the smelly cab ride... the alcohol helps keep things funny : ) Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Huh... so that's what it's like.. i've never had my shoes shined in one of those chairs. Of course i wasn't dressed up to do so.. .shorts, white socks, and black leather shoes. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Chicago... a very nice town. Very clean. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | A new trump tower under construction next to the river. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Me and Kathy on the bridge. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Kristen and G all dolled up for the wedding. Chicaco, IL save file: small medium large | Kathy and Me... yeah, that's a tux. How many weddings do you go to where they ask guests to wear a tux? They were going for the raised nose thing... i had to rent something because i got too fat to fit into the stuff i owned... so why not a tux? Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Groom Adam and his folks. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The bride had a cow over this.. the girl didn't know what to do so she just stood there for a couple of minutes.. and then the string band of high school kids ran out of music and didn't know what to do.. (c'mon, they're just kids) Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The lovely bride and her folks. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Indoor wedding.... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Joey and the groom talking over old times, times, and times to come. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The bride with the recently married and the soon to be married. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The dance floor with the photog getting artsy with the cake in the foreground. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Wow... they really do this at jewish weddings. I thought they only did that in the movies. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | More jewish dance floor shenanigans. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The official intro of the happy couple. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | A loooong set of speeches from the balcony by various folks. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | A very hungry Kathy waiting for the speeches to end so we can eat at 10:30 or so. *stonach grumbling* Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The band and dance floor. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Kathy and her mom talking... Chicaco, IL save file: small medium large | Me and Kathy. Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Damm! Who invited the Spitzer girl?!? Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Damm! Who invited the Spitzer boy?!? Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The Witmeyer kids getting down! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The blonde beauties of the Witmeyer clan! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Time to get up, time to go! Time for breakfast! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | HAHAHA! Kristen putting Garret's name on the wedding present/envelope! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Allison and who? Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Um... isn't this where Harrison Ford got a few bucks from his Dr "friend"? Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The sunday breakfast, all Bear'ed out. Funny thing- i thought they mistakenly served bacon and ham bits for the eggs.. until i saw a jewish guy ask for it... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The windy city in the late morning... the building cast quite a shadow... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The Witmeyer girls are all the same, they like to sleep!!! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Here's Kathy... we're about to get bothered by some wacked out guy on drugs or something... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | There's a dude being arrested on the other side... the cops waited until we got away from the guy before busting his ass... we didn't see the other folks trying to tell/signal us to get away from him... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | A nicer platform... Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | The train ride to the airport had a slight delay where they were working on the line. So a portion was bussed...but overall the time in transit was similar but way cheaper. And more interesting on the train. I got compliments on the black and white i was wearing! Chicago, IL save file: small medium large | Decending to final in San Diego (KSAN). San Diego County, CA save file: small medium large |