Control panel of N138DS, a DA-180. Nice little plane, coming from C152s and C172s I love the moving map GPS and LCD readouts. I can't wait to get into a G1000! Somewhere over San Diego, CA save file: small medium large | A view of Rancho Santa Fe, southwest Escondido as we come up on Lake Hodges. San Diego County, CA save file: small medium large | Flying a few thousand feet AGL to beat the turbulence- we're coming up on Warner Springs. San Diego County, CA save file: small medium large | I'm always busy flying the plane so it's nice to have photographers take pictures so i can see what we zoomed by earlier. Here's the Salton Sea and the start of many farms in the area. Salton Sea, CA save file: small medium large | So we're approaching Palm Springs International (KPSP) heading north but we can't do a straight in because we're not fast enough. The big jets would run us over and that'd make for a bad day for everyone. So we head east a bit to enter on base for 31R. Palm Springs, CA save file: small medium large | A good view of the airport, the rich people around the airport, and San Jacinto towering over the whole lot. Palm Springs, CA save file: small medium large | I'm sure the bazillionairs underneath us just love it when we fly in. We're turning final for 31R maybe 1000ft off the ground. But we're barely idling and the folks below probably aren't even home. Most of the houses are empty most of the time (vacation houses and all) Palm Springs, CA save file: small medium large | Short final 31R. I usually land on the right runway (vs the left) because i like the FBO here. Nice folks. Palm Springs International Airport, CA save file: small medium large | So we're having lunch downtown and this parade starts up. And then a F117 does a flyby- cool! They are loud, i don't know how they get away being secret planes!! Palm Springs, CA save file: small medium large |