The SERE folks teaching survival skills... sometime you have to eat what's available... like this worm. You should prepare them tho. Lop off both ends, squeeze out all the shit, maybe rinse in water, and down the hatch! Foster Lodge, Laguna Mtn, CA save file: small medium large | A talk about various fire starting methods and other improvised implements... Foster Lodge, Laguna Mtns, CA save file: small medium large | Getting ready for a talk from the SERE gents.. Foster Lodge, Laguna Mtns, CA save file: small medium large | One way to carry someone... Foster Lodge, Laguna Mtns, CA save file: small medium large | Two way to carry someone... or drag them... Foster Lodge, Laguna Mtns, CA save file: small medium large | Three way to carry someone. Or bonk them on the head. If they're lucky. Foster Lodge, Laguna Mtns, CA save file: small medium large | Out hiking and looking at various edibles along the trail... Foster Lodge, Laguna Mtns, CA save file: small medium large |