Waiting at the airport for everyone to get thru customs... Cancun Airport, Quintanaroo, Mexico save file: small medium large | Loren in front of our beach front condo... Akumal, Mexico save file: small medium large | On the street as Veronica went inside to get some non-prescription prescription drugs... we're in mexico after all... Mexico save file: small medium large | Mayan ruins nearby... Near Akumal, Mexico save file: small medium large | Kathy and Veronica being touristy... Mexico save file: small medium large | The gang consulting the tour book.... Mexico save file: small medium large | So this is the precursor to modern football(soccer). I'm not sure if you wanted to win (good sacrifice) or lose (wacked for losing).... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Heading off to where they threw the virgins into to the cenotes... really... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Veronica is so nice... and a sucker for little kids asking for money : ) Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Jackson Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | one of the smaller temples... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Me being lance i had to race up to the top of the highest pyramid... here's a shot of everyone else scrambling up. Steep sides, makes tumbling decapitated heads easier... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | The Rolands are a cool couple. They had 2 kids on the trip, babies, but still they went with us on a Caribbean vacation! Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | One of our cultural excursions. Veronica got this family to open up their closed restaurant so we could have a traditional mayan dinner... there's not too many of them left.... Mexico save file: small medium large | Overlooking a lagoon Mexico save file: small medium large | Some of the locals getting around. They do fine without SUVs... why can't we? Mexico save file: small medium large | Jackson got me into taking sunsets and sunrises... Mexico save file: small medium large | You f*king perv Jackson! Oh wait.. you're going for the tree... uh-huh... Akumal, Mexico save file: small medium large | So i'm in Cancun on vacation, and we get up at 6am for what? Err... sunrise... great... Akumal, Mexico save file: small medium large | My favorite sunrise picture... Akumal, Mexico save file: small medium large | Our condo complex... yeah, massive and sprawling isn't it? Akmal, Mexico save file: small medium large | Church in town Mexico save file: small medium large | Kathy and Jackson... Mexico save file: small medium large | Chris! Mexico save file: small medium large | Uh, boys- what are you doing there? Mexico save file: small medium large | View from the top of the big temple/pyramid... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | temple of a thousand warriors Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Carvings at the top. Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Loren and the Rolands Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | About to head down... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Among the 1000 warriors (columns)... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | It's a bit toasty here... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | The gang... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Deciding where to go next... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | The astronomy temple... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Loren playing Mr Jones Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | More deathball pitch examination... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | The big pyramid... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Dinner back in town. We had a few hrs to kill until we go back for the night light show... Mexico save file: small medium large | kewl... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Heading off to the UN Biosphere... Mexico save file: small medium large | Veronica lathering Chris up... hmmm... is there something here? Mexico save file: small medium large | The gang ready to get wet.. Biosphere, Mexico save file: small medium large | Disjointed pictures... back to CI for the night show. Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | 1000 warriors lit up in pink wouldn't go over well in today's time... Chichen Itza, Mexico save file: small medium large | Drifting with the current after jumping overboard.. we went 1km or so. Nice cool ride... Biosphere, Mexico save file: small medium large | Motoring along in our boats.. Biosphere, Mexico save file: small medium large | Stopping off at some ruins... Biosphere, mExico save file: small medium large | Mayan ruins hardly visited.. except for 2 boats/day. Not the hoards that are dumped by the cruise boats, etc. Biosphere, Mexico save file: small medium large | This building is in really bad condition and they're doing the best the can... Biosphere, Mexico save file: small medium large | My view... Biospehere, Mexico save file: small medium large | My favorite set of ruins. Too bad there's so many people though. Tulum, Mexico save file: small medium large | I know that roofing material can last a while but this is ridiculous! Tulum, Mexico save file: small medium large | Tulum is a coastal set of ruins and i believe used to be a lighthouse... Tulum, Mexico save file: small medium large | Chris and V Tulum, Mexico save file: small medium large | The classic Tulum shot. Slight composition issues on my part. I guess i have to go back and redo it : ) Tulum, Mexico save file: small medium large | Another coastal ruin shot.. Tulum, Mexico save file: small medium large | The group walking around...WFT is lance doing... yeah, he's always taking pictures : ) Tulum, Mexico save file: small medium large | Say CHeese! Tulum, MExico save file: small medium large | Getting the heck out of Tulum, we had enough of the tour busses. Tulum, Mexico save file: small medium large | Updated version of old mayan rituals.. Mexico save file: small medium large | Having a few drinks on the beach... Mexico save file: small medium large | Watching the tides come in and go out. Standard scene during the week. Akumal, Mexico save file: small medium large | My apt with associated trip mess afterwards. Carmel Creek Apts, San Diego, CA save file: small medium large | The scuba gang! Kathy and Jackson donned gear for the first time! Cozumel, Mexico save file: small medium large | Dolphins swimming and splashing about... Cozumel, Mexico save file: small medium large | Bob Marley Bar, far side of Cozumel. Sweet place. Cozumel, Mexico save file: small medium large | So we rented scooters, paired up, and buzzed around the island. Jackson.. he dropped the scooter early on. And Chris and Veronica got a flat. But it was a fun day! Cozumel, Mexico save file: small medium large | Kathy and Jackson post-cenotes snorkeling. A bit chilly but way fun!!! Mexico save file: small medium large | Mmmmm...damm he's hot. One of the local truck driver types... oh wait... that's me. mexico save file: small medium large | The gang at the cenotes getting ready to go in. Mexico save file: small medium large |